Archive for January, 2017
biggest spelling fails

Biggest Grammar Fails in History (Yeah, Someone Should’ve Checked Things Twise)

Examples of Bad Grammar Typos have plagued us as a species pretty much ever since we started writing. Did you know that Chaucer once wrote a poem about how slipshod one of his scribes was? Even before typing and movable type existed, humanity was committing...

exercises for grammar online

Best Grammar Exercises That Can Turn You Into That Annoying Person Who Always Corrects You

Why Grammar Is Important There’s no doubt about it – grammar just isn’t much fun. It’s full of complicated rules prescriptions that can seem awfully arbitrary when you’re trying to fulfill them. But grammar is the gateway to communication. If you learn to use grammar...

most important grammar rules list

Essential Grammar Rules Everyone Should Know (Yeah, Including You, You Lazy Creature)

Learn The Most Important Grammar Rules Grammar is vital for helping people to understand your meaning. That’s why you need to learn these important grammar rules. Without them, you’ll confuse your readers. Conquer them, and you’ll be on the way to great writing. Or at...